In the past 3 years, we've been going through a kinda purging process... We put ourselves under house arrest... going out only for work and food shopping, immersing ourselves in the tranquility of space... immense personal space... we eventually even stopped watching TV completely, for 3 months now!!!
Boy, do we feel good!!!
I don't know... But it's sure good to live without all the fears that's constantly being impounded through our numb-skulls by today's consumer driven world. Buy this... you'll feel better! EAt this, with that and this... you'll look thinner! Run like this... sit on this $1999 massage chair... aaand quick! pop a panadol.. you'll be back on your feet!
Whatever happened to... Take some time out... you'll feel better! Eat moderately... take no more than what you need! Run and sit as you feel comfortable. I mean... you'd think that your body will instinctively instruct you.... no?
Anyways, one day, we awaken ourselves to the spirit and decided to cut the madness out, get rid of that outside noise and those abiding voices. Replacing it with an inner silence that instructs upon the soul as to the healing movements and actions.... with an unspoken nudge... that beckons naturally.
And the result...
It's great! ...for us anyways!!!
Try it for yourselves. See what your spirit have to say.
In spiritus,
Candy and Bobz