This is our first blog so we feel it's only appropriate to introduce our core selves - the fundamental essence that reflects our external manifestations (our vibration & music, our art & movement, and not forgetting the misgivings & forgivings of our interactions in this complex state of the world.)
We all do what we can to share our best manifestation at whichever point we are at... Here is the 'point', the foundation upon which Colorful Blac is built.
This is our DESIDERATA:
- In our daily dealings,
Ask not for the attainment of things, rather ask what it is that is worth attaining… and you'd realize that the only thing that is worth attaning is the art of gracious giving.
Gracious giving means happily giving to people whatever makes them happy. In this way, make happiness your gift and giving your happiness.
However, remember one ground rule... anything that interferes with freewill interferes with happiness. So let others have whatever makes them happy as long as it does not impose upon freewill and the truth.
In this way, let those who ASK receive, and refute those who demand because the enforcement of their will upon you disregards freewill and comes in conflict with the law governing freewill.
In this way, let those who wants to receive, first ASK. How else would you know if others value the happiness you have to offer… for even the gift of happiness when enforced comes in conflict with the law governing freewill.
And with this in mind, give freely without demand.
The Hebrew scriptures read, “To those who give freely, they shall receive freely… and give unto others what you would have unto you”. Therefore give without demands so that you too shall receive without demands from others. And if your wish is happiness then let happiness be your gift. And what an appropriate gift it is… as everyone, if asked, will wish for just that too!
With all that said, then…
Let’s get together and give forth happiness
Happiness in beautiful images
Happiness through sensuous sounds
And let’s populate the earth
with a Happy Peaceful feeling of Harmony! (Inspired on the: 9/08/2004)
In the days to come, we will try to elaborate these principles in words and in spirit through our personal compositions, lyrical interpretations and photographical representations. So stay tuned, and express your sentimentality if you share a common vibration.
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